Farm Offerings

Our aim

…is to produce nutrient dense, fresh produce that is 100% nasties free with no artificial fertilisers and no chemicals. This ensures the best for the animals, you and the environment. Keeping our soil thriving produces food high in vitamins and minerals. When our animals eat this food, those nutrients are passed onto you. You’ve heard the saying “you are what you eat” but really… You are what you eat, eats!


Looking for ethically produced eggs? You’ve found it!

Our eggs are better than free range – they are pasture raised, meaning our hens are free to roam on healthy pastures, under open skies, all year-round.

Our girls love scratching for bugs and worms and are supplemented with specially formulated feed using local grains. Most importantly, we leave out the cheap and nasty stuff…NO Soy, NO canola and NO medications or chemicals.

We bet you can taste the difference!

Market Garden

We plant seasonal fruit and vegetables and hope to offer this to the public soon via our farm shop.