Our Farm

A sustainable future starts in the soil

Not all dirt is created equal, many farmlands have a lot of dirt, but it is short of top soil which is the rich, plant nourishing, carbon-balancing material that a healthy planet is built upon. Our livestock and chickens help tend the land by grazing, aerating and fertilizing. This restoring soil health simply by living on the land.

What is Regenerative Farming?

The key principle of Regenerative Agriculture is to improve soil health over time This will preserve and regenerate topsoil leading to nutrient dense crops, rather than a focus on instant yield. The result is a better outcome for farmers, animals, people, and the planet.

Cover crops improve the soils health and improves the water holding capacity of the soil. This supports plant life and absorbs more carbon dioxide and turns it into a carbon-based sugar for the soils organisms.

Managed grazing and stock rotation of our live stock help till the land and manage bugs and grubs, fertilizing the land as they move.

By increasing plant diversity, farmers can create the rich, varied and nutrient dense soils that attract and support wildlife, including bees, birds and other bugs.

Our Chooks

“Pasture Raised On Green Pasture, Free Range Under Open Skies”

Our farm proudly uses regenerative and organic methods, with our chickens playing a vital role. By enriching our soil as they go, our pastures are improved. When our chickens eat the grass, the eggs they produce are nutrient dense…and all this goodness is then passed on to you. Because after all….you are what you eat, eats!

Our chickens free to roam on pasture in mobile houses moved twice weekly, supplemented with our own specially formulated local grains. Most importantly we leave out the cheap and nasty stuff…NO Soy, NO canola and NO medications or chemicals.

Our chickens behave like chickens. There are five main behaviors that chickens engage in to stay as healthy as they can. We make sure they have everything they need to do just that!


Chickens love their down time and free living hens will roost on perches all night long. Perching chickens have stronger bones and a more robust immune system.


When you see chicken scratching at the ground with their feet you know they are a healthy bird. They do this to explore their surroundings, and keeps their claws at a natural length.

Dust Bathing

There is nothing as luxurious to a chicken as a dust bath. This helps the chickens clean their feathers and rid the selves of any parasites.


Living on open pasture provides them with fresh air, vitamin D and builds their immune system.


Chickens are inherently social animals!

Our Produce

We practice the “no dig, no till” method in our market garden from the guru Charles Dowding. Rather than aerating the soil with a tiller or shovel, layers of wood chips and compost are added to the surface at regular intervals providing a wonderful environment for the beneficial organisms and microbes to live in the soil, helping our plants thrive and be rich in nutrients (with out the nasties!).